Friday, May 2, 2008


We were released from the hospital late last night. We all walked in the door of our house and crashed in the bed. I don't think Blake moved all night.

Final diagnosis? Severe diarrhea, positive for the c-diff bacteria in his intestines which kept his intestines inflamed which probably caused his intestines to collapse on top of each other causing severe abdominal cramping which is called intercusseption? (spelling?) We will just have to watch him this weekend to make sure it isn't still happening.

Monday we will take him to the pediatrition to recheck his stool for the bacteria, if he is still so symptomatic we will put him on a special antibiotic to kill the left over bacteria.

Thank you all for praying for us and for calling, visiting and being such wonderful friends. We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends.


The Stevens said...
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The Stevens said...

Intussusception..It's when the terminal ileum invaginates into the cecum (small bowel slides over another segment). Usually in infants and children its reversible; rotavirus or infection can cause this!!!

that medical consult is free of charge, compliments of Dr. Auntie Leigh!!!

In all seriousness, I am glad they have figured out whats up and that Blake can get better! Beth sooooo I am proud and excited that your on the NBC13 losers!!! Your going to win! Ray and I are rooting for you and you have challenged us too, so we are going to join you and try to cut back our calories and add in exercise (wish we had the nice personal trainer and diet like you have) 12 weeks, we will weigh in!!! I will email you my and Ray's weight goal!!! We will have to have our own competition between the 3 of us, and determine the prize!!!

GO BETH!!!!!!!!

Love you guys!