Monday, July 6, 2009

On Lake Burton!

Here is my brother Jerry, ready to have some fun on the water!
Blake suited up!

Our crew!

Alexis and Lauren tubing. I think Lauren cried the whole time, and they got slung out of the tube. Lauren panicked started screaming in the water.
She decided to give it one more try, if we agreed to go very slow!

Jerry taking a ride on the tube

Alexis on the hydroslide
Drue doing the superman

Drue and Lauren

Papa taking a ride
Papa having fun
Papa under water

Papa when the boat rail broke! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think we laughed for a solid hour!
The driver just after the incident!

1 comment: said...

Looks like you all had a great time at the lake. I'm so happy to see that you put something on her about Jerry. I had wondered about him.