Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas II

Nov. 2010
My Cannon EOS camera that had all the fancy lenses ect.. went out. I have had a small cannon through this past year trying to make due until I could get the new Cannon that had Video. That is part of the reason my blogging this year has been off. It is hard to download my little camera.
My wonderful Husband surprised me and bought me the new Cannon! So just get ready! I'm BACK!

This is the aftermath!

Christmas Breakfast!

My gifts to the mother-in laws and my mother this year! I am a little obsessed with Old Windows!

Since it was raining outside Lauren skated laps around the house and Blake drove his scooter.
Christmas Night with Nana and Papa!

Uncle Jerry makes us Crazy!

What! Uncle Jerry Got Blake a Spiderman Skateboard with pads and Helmet!

Nana and Blake

Teddy Bear Fish Tank!

oh yeah! He got the hand of the skate board! he was doing all kinds of tricks on it!

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