Sunday, February 14, 2010

Possibly Eczema?

Well Blake has been battling this rash thing for several weeks. We have taken him several times to have it checked. It began as petechiae rash then, but has now progressed in to whelps just on his chest and back. We did several blood test to check his platelets and they were great on two different checks and we have ruled out anything bad.
Diagnosis now is Eczema that is not typical. (In the typical places elbow and knee bends most common)
We have steroid creams we put on him along with lotions and baby oil baths. They don't seem to itch so Blake is okay with it.
And we are already looking better

1 comment:

The Stevens said...

Beth???? Why didnt you tell me about this??? Who has checked him out???? That is not atypical eczema.