I was getting Lauren ready for bed, fluffing her sheets when I noticed a hole in her new top sheet? The more I looked at it the more I decided it had to of been cut with scissors. I told Lauren to come in there and tell me what happened . She kept saying Well... I might of...., So I told her to go in the bathroom to get her story straight then come to the den and tell me exactly what happened. She went into the bathroom where Alexis happened to be putting on her PJs and I heard her ask Alexis "Do you know who could have cut my new sheets? Do you know why it happened?" After a few minutes Lauren came into the den and said okay I am ready to tell you what happened. "I was cutting some school work and well.... mabe a hole in the paper made the scissors slip and I saw I had cut my sheets?" I said What? Lauren states "Okay I cut my sheets"
The funniest thing was while she was telling Drue and I she was doing the hand motions of the scissors and her discovery of the cut sheets.
Later that night we had her tell us one more time what Happened just so I could document the stories of a 4 yr old.

1 comment:
so did Alexis help her come up with the story of what happened??? LOL...lauren
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